Wow, time has flown!! Can't believe the four weeks of my last prac ever are up already! Had a great internship overall, culminating with the class presenting their assembly on the last day. The children did really well, prepared the whole thing, with only guidance regarding costumes and props and tightening up the script. I ran the powerpoint presentation which provided the backdrops during the performance, so couldn't see the final show, but knew that from their buzz afterwards and the audience reaction they did it well!!
I have really enjoyed teaching numeracy, I think I was able to use a lot of what I learned during my summer numeracy subject to help. It was amazing as well, from the constructivist approach applied in that subject how that really flows through into other subjects too. I liked having the freedom to run through a couple of topics in numeracy, at my pace, and my way. I recognise that I need to plan for homework a bit more.
I also took on a few classes in literacy, although this was really in conjunction with my mentor's planning, as she had already organised the sequences for what has needed to be covered until now.
During the internship, I have also had the opportunity to experiment with a few things on the school moodle site, although I wasn't able to do much besides add things like spelling words, as format was largely predetermined.
I also attended a parent teacher night, and I enjoyed meeting the parents and observing the techniques used in discussing behaviour and performance of each child. I have also reviewed reports which have been written over the last few weeks and will be sent home next week.
My mentor starts her maternity leave this week, and so I will continue with the class as teacher. The school have given me a fantastic opportunity to get this experience, as I finish my last assignments and then get ready to start my new career as a teacher!