Sunday, November 28, 2010

Maths or Numeracy

I am currently studying the Foundations of Numeracy as a Sem 3 subject.  It's an interesting one... but wow... things have changed since I was at school... we don't use the words 'plus', 'minus' or 'times'.  They also have changed the method of subtraction from borrowing and paying back to converting the tens into ones.  The first four weeks have been broken down into Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.  Then we have to concentrate on Fractions and Whole Numbers over the rest of the semester.

It's quite exciting though, for the assignment have to design a Wiki, using Web 2.0 technology.  With pages, links and everything!  Because it is online, the assessors basically just remove edit access from students until they've marked it!  My first submission is due the day I arrive in Melbourne for Christmas... so going to be organised to get it done early!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Semester 3 - is it summer or winter?

I live in China, and am studying online through a uni in Queensland, Australia... this year a 'summer' subject has been offered in my course - Foundations of Numeracy - except it's winter here... what better time to buckle down and knock over what is hopefully one of my last 2 subjects. (I'm still waiting on results from last semester, and fingers crossed got through both of them.)

BUT - we're going home for Christmas in one month, and staying for 7 weeks, so I'll be doing the majority of this subject in summer and on holiday after all!  All a bit confusing.  And to top it off, we are having a week on the Gold Coast... and in that week, this subject has an exam - so I'll be presenting for that in the state of the course, despite doing the rest of it from the middle kingdom!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Another semester bites the dust

Last night, I submitted my last assignment for Semester 2... a monster assessment on assessment.  I designed a unit on Forces for Year 6 Science, and created a task sheet, rubric, quiz and wrote a 1200 word essay on fair and flexible assessment.

Last Friday, I submitted a literacy assignment on auto/biography, also for Yr6, where I had to design a 4 week unit, showing the timetabling and detailed planning for the unit.  As well as sourcing a decent collection of references which is to go hand in hand with the unit.

Today, I woke up thinking all was clear and fresh and anticipating 2 study free weeks... and I logged on to StudyDesk to check if my assignments had been passed on to be marked yet (they have), and found my Semester 3 study desk open!  Technically it doesn't start until 15th November... but there it all is... the first 4 weeks of Foundations of Numeracy... I really should get cracking!  And I found out, I will likely have to do an exam the week we are on the Gold Coast in January.