Some of my highlights:
I did a week covering a Year 2 class, and the teacher left planning well set out and appearing to be organised. But one of the handouts he wanted the class to complete had some how been photocopied in reverse. Hilarious - I showed it to one of the children in my maths class and he peered at it, and said that it was too small for him to read, so I pointed to one word and just said, try to read that and he then said 'Oh, it's upside down'. So I told him to turn the page around - the confusion on his little face was priceless.
Then there was one day in Reception, and in doing a counting exercise we were making 'Witches Brew' and adding in a certain number or measurement of various items like leaves, sticks, mud and a teaspoon of glitter - only to have the child measuring the glitter spill the whole jar onto my shoe... I still sprinkle sparkles when I wear those shoes!
I've had teeth fall out on my watch... they were wobbly, and so not completely unexpected.
I have helped compile test papers, which for some reason had to be set and sat that day, in response to a complaint about setting the maths class.
Lunch duties and reminding children not to share food or bring in peanuts is an ongoing task.
Covering a Reception class and taking them up to the 'big school' to watch the KS1 Christmas Show dress rehearsal was fun, and super exciting for me as my own daughter had a speaking part and my class and I were sitting directly in front of her!
With a particularly fidgety Year 2 class after lunch one day, I got them all to stand up and I sang the Wiggles song 'Shake your sillies out' and then got them to sing 'Heads and Shoulders Knees and Toes' faster and faster, only to have one darling little boy get all upset because I was making them sing Nursery songs, while the rest of the class were laughing and actually getting their sillies out!
Working in a number of classes during UN Week meant that suddenly I learned a lot of useful information about Greenland, New Zealand, Wales and Egypt. The children are happy to share the most amazing facts that they pick up and retain!

But the absolute highlight of my term, was when Santa's Helper was ill... and I was the official photographer taking photos of each class in Santa's Sleigh with Santa. My new found status as Santa's friend, with his mobile number has definitely improved behaviour over the last two weeks (in class and with my own two kids).
Jumping around the school from Reception to Year 6, poses challenges sometimes... but using appropriate strategies across all age groups sometimes reminds big kids that they were little not that long ago, and shows little kids the expected behaviours for as they grow up.